8621 Zamárdi, Eötvös u. 15/1.   |   +36 84 545 800   |   info@wellamarin.hu


General Business Conditions

The scope of this present General Business Conditions (GBC)are covering the services of the Hotel Wellamarin****Superior Leisure & Spa operated by the Wellamarin Ltd. Present General Business Conditions are published by Wellamarin Ltd. on behalf of the Hotel Wellamarin****Superior Leisure & Spa, that the hotel and the related services are provided by Wellamarin Ltd. therefore it is entitled for all rights and responsible for all liability. Unique conditions are not part of this present GBC. Present GBC are not exclusive to make special agreements with travel agencies, organizers, occasionally appropriate conditions of the business with others.

Ugrás a képgalériához

General Business Conditions

General Business Conditions


Name:Wellamarin Kft.
Address:8621 Zamárdi, Eötvös u. 15/1.
Tax Number:12774742-2-14
Company registration number:14-09-304837
Phone:+36 84 545 800
Fax:+36 84 545 020

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a)The Service Provider’s services are taken by the Guest.
b)In case the service order is made by the Guest directly to the Service Provider, then Guest will be the Contracting party. If all conditions fulfilled, the Service Provider and the Guest together will be contractors (hereinafter Partners).
c)In case the service order is made on behalf of the Guest by a Third party (hereinafter Organizer) towards the Service Provider, the conditions of the services will be regulated by the agreement between the Service Provider and the Organizer. In this case the service provider is not obliged to check if the Third party is legally represent the the Guest.

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a)Request of the guest made in verbal or written form is always answered in written reply by the Service Provider. If there is no specific order from the Guest within 24 hours after the offer has been sent, the Service Provider’s offer bound to end.
b)The Contract concludes by the Guest’s written, oral, on-line, or e-mail reservation and with the confirmation of the Service Provider.
c)Verbally made booking, agreement, modification by the Guest and the oral confirmation given to it by the Service Provider is not a legitimated contract.
d)When reservation made personally by the Guest or the Organizer at the Service Provider, the Guest or the Organizer sign the printed order form of the requested service on the spot. The confirmation qualified as contract with the signature on the order form made by the Service provider’s employee at the reception.
e)The Contract of the taken accomodation service is valid only for a defined period.
f)If the Guest departures for good before the determined period, the Service Provider is entitled for the whole sum of the charges stated in the Contract. The Service Provider is entitled to utilize again the vacant room.
g)The prior approval of the Service Provider is necessary extending the taken accomodation – service initiated by the Guest. In this case the Service Provider is entitled to charge the already fulfilled services.
h)Both Partner’s signature is necessary to modify and/or amend the Contract. The Contracting party must notify in writing all the changes either related to the order or the confirmation of the Service Provider.
i)Difference is accepted by an ad-hoc agreement, then the legal realationship will be determined by the ad-hoc contract between the partners.

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a)As long as the hotel have not given any other condition in the offer guest may cancel without penalty his/her reservation till 7 days prior to his/her arrival.
b)Guest after receiving the confirmation from the Provider may modify or cancel for the penalty of a minimum of 50% of his/her total booking but a minimum of a day fee his/her reservation from day 6 till day 2 prior to his/her arrival.
c)Guest after receiving the confirmation from the Provider cancel his/her booking 24 hours prior to his/her arrival or in case of non-attendance, Provider is entitled for a penalty of 100% of his/her bookings.
d)In case of early departure 100% of the remaining cost will be charged.

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Special cancellation policy applies during target periods as it follows. 

e)Guest after receiving the confirmation from the Provider may modify or cancel without penalty his/her reservation till 60 days prior to his/her arrival.
f)Guest after receiving the confirmation from the Provider cancel his/her booking within 60 days prior to his/her arrival or in case of non-attendance, Provider is entitled for a penalty of 100% of his/her bookings.
g)In case of early departure 100% of the remaining cost will be charged.
h)In case of cancellation without penalty the cost of the pre-payments refund (bank transactions fee) will be charged for the guest.

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Target periods

Target periods can be found here. The so called best price categories are advertised on the Provider’s website at www.wellamarin.com Modification of the current point exclusively applies to the reduction of the service.If the Guest or the Organizer would like to modify in such a way that ordering more services, he/she only may if the Provider has available accomodation. 


hotel services
restaurant services
indoor and outdoor (summer time) leisure pool
steam room
infra sauna
ice cabin
caldarium, tepidarium aroma room
massage, portion massage
sale of beauty- and cosmetic products and textiles
outside parking place without security, CCTV surveillance system

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Guest may take the services of the hotel at his/her own risk. The Hotel Wellamarin Ltd. can’t be held reliable for damages caused by the non-inteded use.


The Service Provider are providing adequate services according to the current legislation in force with the highest professional standard.


a)Guest may occupy his/her room on the day of arrival at 14:00 hrs (during high-season and target periods at 15:00 hrs), the parking lot and the SPA department is available from 13.00 hrs. On the day of departure check-out is till 10.00 hrs, usage of the Spa is permitted till 12.00 hrs (in target periods 10.00 hrs) and the parking lot must be left by 12.30 hrs.
b)With the reception’s coordination early check-in and late check-out for a fee is available according to the capacity of the hotel.
c)Early check-in and/or late check-out fee is including in the usage of the Spa department and parking lot until the given time.
d)In case of Guest is not arriving on the determined day of arrival until 20:00 hrs and is not informing us prior will qualify as „no Show” and the Provider is entitled for a penalty of 100% of his/her bookings. Provider has the right to cancel this Guest’s booking.

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a)Hotel prices are displayed at the reception, furthermore published on
b)Price lists of other services are displayed at the respective department e.g. Scala Restaurant, Bohem Bowling Café, Black & Orange Spa, PartON Bistro.
c)Guest may obtain information any of the services available prior taking them at the reception of the hotel.
d)Provider may change its price without prior notice. The actual prices can be found on the hotel website (http://www.wellamarin.com)
e)Provider indicates the current tax component (ÁFA, IFA) of the prices according to the current legislation. The published prices are including the ÁFA, according to the current legislation but excluding the tourist tax which has to be paid on the spot. Due to the changes of the current legislation the Provider devolves the surcharges with prior notification to the Contracting party.

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a)The offers of the Provider – with the exception of the daily room prices – only available for the Guests with a limited number of room capacity.
b)Actual offers, discounts, promotions are advertised on the website of the hotel.
c)The advertised discounts are always refers to an individual / private booking, except if it was stated otherwise in the communication of the Provider.
d)The advertised discounts can not be combined with any other discount. The only exception is if it is mentioned in the offer of the Provider.
e)Discount prices are always valid according to the actual bookings.
f)In case of a request or a reservation, Guest must indicate prior if he/she is in a possession of a discount card or voucher.

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10. PETS

Pets are not allowed in our hotel. Thank you for your understanding.


a)The requested services can be payed on the spot by cash, credit card, SZÉP card, or bank transfer in advance. Detailed information regarding the Széchenyi (Pihenő)card can be found on the website of the issuing bank.
b)In case of bank transfer – if the agreement with the Provider is not stating otherwise – Guest must transfer the offset of the requested services with a minimum of two days prior to his/her arrival to the bank account of the hotel (to the hotel’s account).
c)For the guarantee of the private booking a deposit of 50% but a minimum of 1 day accomodation fee needed which can be made by bank transfer, cash payment, SZÉP card payment.

If the Guest has any complaints in relation to any transaction made with any payment method, he/she must report his/her complaint to the Provider in writing. The Provider investigates the complaint within 7 days of receipt and informs the Guest in writing of the result of the investigation. If the result of the investigation establishes the validity of the complaint and the Guest is entitled to a refund, the Provider will fulfil this within a further 7 days after the notification.

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a)The Service Provider is entitled to terminate with immediate effect the accomodation service Contract, in this manner to deny the services if:
The Guest is not using his/her room or the hotel for the intended purpose,
The Guest is not complying with the safety and the regulations of the hotel, behaving with an incorrect attitude towards the employees, being under the influance of drug or alcohol, showing a threathening, offensive or other unacceptable behaviour,
The Guest is infected with a contagious disease
The Contracting Party is not fulfilling the obligatory advance payment till the determined time stated in the Contract.
b)Insofar the Contract betwen the partners is not fulfilled due to „vis major”, the contract will cease.

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a)Insofar Guest becomes ill during his/her stay and not able to represent his / her own interest, Service Provider will seek medical help for him /her from one of the nearby health/medical center.
b)In case of an illness/death of the Guest, the Service Provider claims expenses from the patient’s/deceased’s relatives, heir/ess or from the invoice payer for the accidental medical or law-expenses, costs taken prior the death and the possible damages occured in equipment or furnishing due to the death.

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a)In case of the Service Provider is not able to fulfill the services described in the Contract due to the fault of its own (e.g. overbooking, temporary operational problems etc.), Service Provider is liable to accomodate the Guest without delay/fortwith.
b)Service Provider is liable:
to provide/offer the services mentioned in the Contract, for the confirmed price and the determined period of time – or until the obstruction stops – another, same or higher category accomodation. Service provider shall bear all extra expense related to the replacement accomodation. 
to provide free transfer for the Guest to move to the offered replacement accomodation, also for a possible return
c)Insofar, the Service Provider fulfilled all its liability and the Guest accepted the offered replacement accomodation, the Contracting party can not put claim post factum.

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a)According to the Contract, Guest is entitled to the usage of the ordered room and the normal conditions of use of the quarters which are included in the regular service and they do not fall for under special conditions.
b)Guest may complain during his/her stay regarding the given services by the Service Provider. The Service Provider is considering the claims either submitted in writing (or taken by him) during this period.
c)The Guest’s right to put in a complaint ends with his/her departure.

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a)Upon arrival Guest is bound to fill up the hotel’s registration form with real facts/datas, showing one picture ID card per room (personal ID card, driver’s license or passport) to the receptionist.
b)The Contracting party is liable to pay the ordered services until the given time and method determined in the Contract.
c)It is the responsibility of the Guest to ensure that a child under 14 yrs of age can only stay under an adult’s supervision in the Service Provider’s hotel (rooms, suites and public areas).
d)Guests are not allowed to bring their own food to the hotel or its catering departments.

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The guest is responsible for the damages and injuries was caused for the Provider or third person by the Guest or his/her attendants or other people belong to the guest's liability. This responsibility is exist if the harmed person has the right to claim the refund of his/her damage from the Provider directly.


If the Guest do not justice to the payment of the used or ordered but not used services would face a contractual penalty, the Provider is entitled to get lien for the proper objects's of the Guest brought into the hotel as the cover of the claims.

In case, if the Guest does not keep the points of this General Business Conditions, resp. the basic rules of social living together, then the Provider can obligate the Guest to leave the hotel and he can refuse the usage of the further services.

The Provider reserve the right to invoicing all of the damages, which was caused by the behaviour of the Guest.


The Service Provider is liable:

a)To fulfill by the contract the ordered accomodation and other services  according to the service standards
b)To investigate the written claim of the Guest and make the necessary steps to solve the problem, which should be recorded in written form.

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a)The Service Provider is taking responsibility for all damages the Guest suffers, which occurred within the premises and caused by the Service Provider or its employees.
b)The Service provider’s liability does not cover those harmful events, which occurred due to the unavoidable circumstances but fell outside the scope of the Service provider’s employee or guests or caused by the guest him/herself.
c)The Service Provider may designate places in the hotel where the guest is not allowed to enter. The Service Provider is not taking responsibility for injuries or damages occured in these places.
d)Guest must report immediately when he/she suffered harm in the hotel and provide all necessary data which may help to clear the circumstances of the loss, perhaps it is needed to document for the police report.
e)The Service Provider also takes responsibility for those damages which cause harm or loss to the Guest by losing or destroying his/her stuff in that case if he/she held it/them on a designated place by the Service Provider or handed over to one of the Service Provider’s employee who may seemed to be authorized to do so.
f)The Service Provider is only responsible for valuables, stocks and cash if the articles/stuff were handed over to him for the purpose of storage or the damage/loss occured for which according to the general regulations he is liable. In this case the proving is the responsibility of the Guest.
g)The level of the compensation according to the Contract is fiftyfold the daily room rate, except if the damage/loss is less than that.

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a)The Service Provider the voluntarily given data by the Guest or the Organizer, solely using them to indentify the individual Guests and Organizers and to fulfill the contract, use up only to the level of the successful accomplishment.
b)The Guest and the Organizer notices that the Service Provider may use the Guest’s and Organizer’s personal data to enforce its rights/demands or pass it/them on to legally authorized organizations.
c)The Service Provider is liable according to the Contract to comply with the Act LXIII of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Publicity of Data of Public Interest and the closure of the data privacy legislation – and the Service Provider has been informed by the Contracting Party – and proceed by the internal rules of the Contracting party.

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The occasion or condition (e.g. war, fire, flood, weather adversity, power cut, strike) which can’t be controlled by the partner (vis major), exempt any party from fulfilling its duty regarding the Contract while the occasion or condition does exists. Partners agree they are both try all effort to minimize the possibility the occurrance of these events and within the shortest possible time repair the damage or retrieve the delay.


In case of any legal dispute regarding the service contract the guideline is that competency at both in the law and court is at the place of the service. The Hungarian legislation is the normative for the legal relationship between the Service Provider and the Contracting party.